Blacklock Blast – April 27

April 27, 2018

Our week started with Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary celebrating Earth Day.  Students were invited to plant a seed with the Environment Club, who are lovingly caring for the seedlings in preparation for their upcoming plant sale.

Tuesday saw the first of three days of our Scholastic Book Fair.  To see so many families come out and support their child’s love of reading is wonderful!  To Mrs. Huang and the dedicated staff who provided her with support, I say an enormous ‘Thank You!’.  The money raise from the fair will go into purchasing additional books for the Library. There are angels amongst us!  A special thank you to the anonymous donor who provided $25 each to four children.  They were beaming with joy and excitement as they left the fair proudly holding their books.

Rehearsals are in full swing, as the UFO pod prepares for their Pod Show ‘Reptiles’.  The hallways display the creativity of our students.  Check out the creeping reptiles in our school!

Preparation has begun for our Grade 5s to transition to HD Stafford this week.  The principal and counselor presented to the students the many exciting opportunities at the Middle School.  Next week the Grade 5s will be walking over to HD Stafford to explore the school and meet the staff.

Coming home today for parents of primary students is a beautiful brochure on Home Reading.  Please take some time to carefully read this brochure and implement the strategies outline therein.  We are providing this to you as we approach the summer vacation and hope that parents will partner with us to continue to move our students’ Literacy scores/results in a positive direction.

Please make note of an important letter from the DPAC, Langley School District, & RCMP, which is included at the bottom of this Newsletter.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Please make note of the following calendar updates:

May 1 – Kinder Starts (for 3 & 4 year olds) ‘Numeracy’ – 1:00pm-2:30pm

May 3 – UFO (Grade 2/3) Pod Show ‘Reptiles’ – 1:30pm & 6:00pm

May 4 – Professional Development Day – Students do not attend

May 7 – Pizza Hut Hot Lunch Day
– PAC Meeting – 7:00pm

May 8 – Class Group & Panorama Photos

May 1 – Kinder Starts (for 3 & 4 year olds) ‘Numeracy’ – 1:00pm-2:30pm

May 10 – Collaboration Day – Early Dismissal @ 1:30pm

May 17 – Nebula (Grade 4/5) Pod Show ‘Living Poetry’ – 1:30pm & 6:00pm


In response to hearing from you, DPAC has communicated to the District that, along with having them present at a recent DPAC Meeting, it is important for us to understand some of the processes that both the district and the RCMP follow during Critical Incident situations.

In response, the District along with the RCMP has issued the attached letter to assist us in better understanding some of these processes. It is important that we as a community participate in the process to ensure successful outcomes for our students. Seeking out information from a reliable resource, as always, is the most critical first step versus social media. Unfortunately social media becomes a distraction for the RCMP at times during investigation. If we can collectively be mindful and reach out to our school and follow the communication process to the best of our abilities when trying to discern the safety of our children, that lends to greater success for both communicating outward from the District, and resolving communication breakdown due to misinformation.

Some portals to watch for information are: the District website, the District Twitter feed, the DPAC Facebook page, and your school PAC Facebook page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Gord Stewart, Superintendent or Renge Bailie at the District Board office.

Best Regards

Suzanne Perreault,
DPAC President

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Partners in Student Safety – A Message to our Parents Guardians 2018Apr



For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here:  Community Bulletin Board.      There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726