August 29, 2018
Welcome Back! Here’s hoping that all of you have had a wonderful summer and are ready to return to school on September 4th at 11:30am-1:00pm. Students will be dropped off and picked up at their last year’s classroom door. They will be spending this time with their teacher from last year, who has prepared a variety of activities for them to participate in. All new students are to be dropped off and picked up in the Library.
Please have your child bring a snack and a drink. They do not need to bring any of their school supplies yet; classroom teachers will inform families as to when these supplies are required. The PAC has kindly offered to host a Coffee & Cookie Meet & Greet on the blacktop outside the Gym doors while the students are in class. If you’re looking for a school supplies list, you can find it on our website.
As part of the registration process, you will be receiving a brown envelope with important paperwork that needs to be checked for errors, reviewed, signed, and returned to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. These should be coming home with your child towards the end of next week.
This year, we will be communicating through e-mail as much as possible, so please keep your e-mail addresses current.
Also, if you haven’t already, please sign up for School Cash Online as, except in unique circumstances, we will not be accepting cash or cheques anymore.
If you have a photograph of your child enjoying family time (without the aid of technology), please have them drop it off at the office or e-mail the picture to . Pictures should have the child’s name written on the back. These photographs will be displayed under the title “We Are Family” in the hall outside the Gym.
As of Wednesday, September 5, school resumes normal hours – 8:47am to 2:45pm. Please note that we are hoping to have finalized class placement completed by Friday, September 7. Your child will be bringing home a postcard identifying their division and classroom teacher, once placement has been determined.
The staff have been busy preparing classrooms in anticipation of a fantastic year of learning. We welcome back all of our returning staff and would like to introduce you to the following:
Ms. Sherry Haines – Gr. 4/5 Resource Teacher
Ms. Ceilidh Dobbie – Gr. 2/3 & Dance Teacher
Ms. Juli-Ann Vila-Cha – Gr. 1 Teacher
Mrs. Alex Saunders – Gr. 1 Teacher (back from Maternity Leave)
Mrs. Angela Schmuland – Gr. 4/5 Teacher (back from Maternity Leave)
Ms. Jennaya Hayden – Aboriginal Support Worker
Ms. Sharon Martin – ELL Teacher
Looking forward to seeing all of you next week!
Susanna Eppich, Principal