Blacklock Blast – December 1

December 1, 2017

It’s been a quiet week at Blacklock, but December started today… watch out….it’s going to get really busy, really quickly!

In keeping with this year’s space theme, we have decided to give our three pods related names.  Our Kindergarten and Grade 1s are now referred to as the ‘Lil Dippers’, the Grade 2s and 3s are the Unified Friendly Orbiters (U.F.O.s), and the Grade 4s and 5s are the Nebula – Where Stars Are Born.  Take some time to check out the beautiful displays in both our Learning Commons and pod areas.

We are excited to announce that Mrs. Jen Hansen will be our new Grade 4 teacher and will be starting with us on Monday!  Mrs. Burns will continue to support Division 3 in order to facilitate a successful transition until our Christmas Break.  I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mrs. Burns for the excellent support that she has provided to our students!  She will be dearly missed and I hope that she will visit us often.

Monday is Pizza Hut Hot Lunch Day and on Tuesday and Wednesday (December 5 and 6), the Christmas Store will be open, where students will have an opportunity to buy Christmas gifts for their families.  Prices range from 25¢ to $3.  Tuesday, December 5, there will be a PAC meeting at 9:00am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Have a great weekend!

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726