Blacklock Blast – February 17, 2023

February 17, 2023

Hello Blacklock Families:

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Family Day long weekend! I hope you enjoy sometime with family and friends.

Next week is Diversity and Respect week:

Tuesday, Feb 21stRainbow DayWear the colours of the rainbow! Be unique, be yourself!
Wednesday, Feb 22ndPink Shirt Day/ Anti Bullying DayBe a buddy not a bully!
Thursday, Feb 23rdBe on the TeamWear your house shirt!
Friday, Feb 24thCultural Heritage DayDress in the colour of your Country!


Please see the information below about the expansion of the U-Connect online learning program:

U-Connect Explores Full-Time Online Learning Program – Grades 1-7

Is your child in need of an education program that offers more flexibility and continues to meet their educational needs? U-Connect is inviting students and families to see if a full-time, home-based online learning program for students in grades 1-7 is right for them. U-Connect is gathering feedback to explore the potential of a new program that is 100 per cent home-based and online, offering a more flexible schedule and environment that is tailored to a student’s learning style, and allowing more time for their extracurricular passions. Interested students and their families are encouraged to complete an Expression of Interest online form here. To learn more, visit this webpage here.


Have a great long weekend!

Susanna Eppich, Principal


House Points are as follows:

Lions – 19,856; Scarecrows – 20,597; Tinmen – 20,064; Winged Monkeys – 19, 600


We currently have a Purdy’s Easter Fundraiser going on!

Order Deadline is Feb 27 and pick up will be available before Easter. Follow the link & enter Campaign number 59418 to support Blacklock PAC

Catalog link here:…/Purdys-Seasonal-Fundraising…


Grade 4 & 5 year-end field trip fundraising updates:

We have started an on-going bottle drive collection with proceeds going towards our year end trip to Camp Jubilee! If you have any empties that you would be willing to donate, we will happily take them off your hands! Please email for pickup!

We also have Purdy’s milk chocolate bars for sale in the office. They are $3 a bar and can be purchased before/after school and during lunch/recess.


Here are the upcoming calendar events:

February 20 – Family Day (School closed)

February 21 – Rainbow Day (be unique, be you!)

February 22 – Pink Shirt Day

February 23 – Be On The Team (wear your house shirt)

February 24 – Cultural Heritage Day (dress in the colour of your Country)

February 24 – Hot Lunch

February 24 – Grade 1 Field Trip

February 27 – PAC Meeting

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726