Blacklock Blast – February 18

February 18, 2021

Beginning tomorrow, School Messenger will be used to send home attendance alerts as well as other communications.  Today, we tested this notification system by sending you a message via phone and e-mail.  From our perspective, we were very pleased with this initial rollout and we ask for any feedback from parents to be e-mailed to  As is the case with any new system, there may be some unexpected challenges or adjustments that need to be made in the coming weeks.  We ask for your patience as we work together to get the service running smoothly.  Thank you for your ongoing support.

(For more detailed information, we refer you back to the letter from Gord Stewart, Superintendent of Schools:  Parent Info Pkg – SchoolMessenger 2021Jan26 )

Monday, February 22, is Design & Assessment and Report Card Prep Day; therefore, students are not in attendance.  Teachers will be utilizing this time to prepare your child’s report card, which will be available for viewing on the MyEd Family Portal on Friday, March 5.

Staff are asking for donations of used hand-held gardening equipment, such as little shovels, rakes, sturdy bowls and buckets.  These will be used for outside playtime; specifically, in the sand pit area and your help with this would be appreciated.  Donations can be dropped off at the Office.

I would like to say Thank You to all of the parents and caregivers, who have been so diligent in following our COVID-19 safety protocols.  Because the COVID-19 numbers are increasingly becoming a concern in schools, as your child’s Principal, I would appreciate it if you would wear a mask when anywhere on school property and respect the 2 metre physical distancing requirement, even when outside.  These are challenging times that require everyone’s cooperation and commitment to keeping our school and community safe.  We are relying on you to come alongside us to accomplish this goal.  Thank you for setting an example for our children.

Beginning on Tuesday, February 23rd, our School District will be celebrating Diversity & Respect Week.  Each day will have a different theme:
Tuesday, Feb 23 – Honour Your Roots – wear something to symbolize your heritage
Wednesday, Feb 24 – Anti-Bullying Day – wear pink
Thursday, Feb 25 – Black Lives Matter – wear black
Friday, Feb 26 – Pride Day – wear the colours of the rainbow

Reminder that if you have a child at home that will be turning 5 this year and you plan to send them to Kindergarten in September, registration is underway.  Please see below for more details.

House points are as follows:

Mome Raths – 9,605; White Rabbits – 9,908; Cheshire Cats – 10,739; Deck of Cards – 10,696

Have a good weekend!

Susanna Eppich, Principal


Kindergarten registration across the Langley School District runs January 18 – March 31, 2021. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2021, you will be able to register either online or in person at your catchment school.  Proper documentation is required at the time of registration.  Your child’s registration will not be processed without the required documentation.

Registration will not be available at the school during Spring Break, from March 13 –28, 2021.

Please check our school website for specific information about how to register beginning January 18.

Due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, the process for registration and collecting documents may be different this time. For information and instructions on how to register, please click here —> Kindergarten Registration 2021 and for the Student Registration Form click here —> Student Registration Form_20212022

Although your child’s Care Card is not a required document, it is an important piece of information for the school to have.  Please make sure you have indicated any medical concerns or information that the school should be aware of (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc.).  If you have copies of any medical documents or diagnostic reports for learning or physical needs, please also have a copy of the original (a copy can be made at the school).  Please also have a copy of any Court Orders regarding custody so the school can have a copy on file.


Here are the Minutes from the latest PAC meeting –>  PAC Meeting – Jan 21, 2021


Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:

How to Access the Family Portal

Help with Forgotten Passwords


Thank you for completing the Daily Health Check with your child and doing your part to ensure our school community is healthy and safe.

Health Check Form – Revised 2020Sep

Please read the Daily Health Check Form (by clicking on the above link) and use it as a reference when completing the daily health check with your child.


Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in Langley School District. So, where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather? If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed on all school websites or Updates are also posted to Twitter @LangleySchools and Facebook at If you don’t have internet connectivity but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you. Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130AM, CKNW 980AM, Country Radio 107.1FM, Pulse 107.7 or CBC 690AM or 88.1FM for updates.

Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.


Here are the upcoming events:

February 22 – Design & Assessment Day – Students not in Attendance

February 23-26 – Diversity & Respect Week

March 5 – Term 2 Report Cards Published

March 10 & 11 – One Hour Early Dismissal for Parent/Teacher Interviews

March 12 – Last Day prior to Spring Break

March 29 – School reopens

April 2 – Good Friday – Statutory Holiday

April 5 – Easter Monday – Statutory Holiday

May 21 – Pro-D Day – Students not in Attendance

May 24 – Victoria Day – Statutory Holiday

June 29 – Final Report Cards Published & Last Day prior to Summer Break

For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here:  Community Bulletin Board.      There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726