Blacklock Blast – June 6

June 6, 2022

Last Friday night’s Blacklock Fun Fair was a great success!  Despite it raining most of the day, spirits were running high, especially after the sun finally made an appearance.  Thank you to all of the organizers and everyone who attended!  Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, I was unable to attend but I’ve heard great reports that everyone had a wonderful evening.

The next big event is Sports Day on Friday, June 10.  After two years of missing out on these big events, here are a few reminders about what this day will look like:
– Students participating in the Wheels Parade can drop off their ‘wheels’ (decorated in their House colours) in the Gym via the Exterior Door off the Blacktop between 8:30am and 8:50am.
– Students will line up, as usual, at their doors and will then be let inside for attendance
– At approximately 9:00am Students will head down to the Gym and get ready to head out for the Parade
– Parents are welcome to line up around the Blacktop and the perimeter of the school building to cheer your children on.  At the end of the Parade, bikes will be returned to the Gym and then Students will gather in their House groups on the Blacktop to perform their cheers.  Any parents who are leaving after the cheers and not remaining for the rest of the Sports Day, we would ask you to collect your child’s ‘wheels’ from the Gym.
– Students will earn points for dressing in their House colours.  Please have your child(ren) dress appropriately for the weather, bring a labeled water bottle, hat, and sunscreen.
– In true Blacklock tradition, the Grade 5s will face off against the Staff in the Tug-of-War at approximately 12:30pm

Here’s a message from the PAC regarding Sports Day:

The PAC is so excited that Sports Day is back on Friday, June 10! The Blacklock PAC is pleased to buy Costco beef hot dogs for each of the children for lunch that day. If your child has any allergies or dietary needs, please ensure to still pack them a lunch.  There will also be a concession run by the PAC on the day of, with freezies, chips, pop, etc. We will be featuring a small number of Smencils, smelly pencils made from recycled paper, for $2! Please have your child bring some change with them.  We are all PAC members and have truly appreciated what a fantastic year it has been for our kids. Good job all!!

Blacklock will be enjoying an outdoors Story Walk this week from June 6 to 9th. The book, “I’ve Got the Rhythm” by Connie Schofield- Morrison, has been displayed on poster boards around the large field page by page.  Read the story and follow the actions suggested on some of the boards or make up your own actions. The story begins at Blacklock’s outdoor theatre.  On Thursday June 9th, the Story Walk will be left up after school until 4 pm for the enjoyment of the community.   A special thanks to the Langley District Learning Centre for this fabulous opportunity and for Mrs. Nicolson for organizing the event.

Don’t forget about our Strings in Spring Concert at the Langley Community Music School (1:00pm for students only and 6:00pm for family and friends).  Please note the revised date is now June 20.  We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of all of our violin students!

The Grade 5 Leaving Ceremony will commence at 5:00pm on Thursday, June 23, in our Gym.  Grade 5 parents and families, please pay close attention to any e-mails that you receive from your child’s teacher in regards to this special event.

If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please remember to let us know either by phone 604-530-3188 or by e-mail at

Have a good week!

Susanna Eppich, Principal

House Points are as follows:
Dragons – 31,179; Elves – 32,177; Hobbits – 32,637; Wizards – 31,105

I would like to introduce a program that Langley City is honoured to partner with.  Kids Up Front  is a program that provides children, youth (up to 18 years old), and families an opportunity to attend enriching experiences like arts, culture, and sporting events in the Greater Vancouver Area. To date, more than 455,000 tickets have been distributed across the Vancouver area creating thousands of memories. We believe that fun activities allow families to connect and come closer together.

OPPORTUNITY!   As a partner agency, they assist in reaching families to distribute tickets, classes and passes to those who would not be able to provide these experiences for their family without assistance.  Some of the experiences that are available include tickets to the Vancouver Canucks, Whitecaps, Baseball, Cirque du Soliel, FlyOver Canada, Science World and more.  The tickets are often provided with very short notice, and children and youth must be accompanied by an adult. Transportation is not included, therefore families do have to have the means to get to the events on their own.  If you would be interested in joining their list, please complete the registration form Kids Up Front Application Form – fillable and forward it to them and they would be happy to add you to their list.


There are still several vacancies on next year’s PAC that need to be filled.  Specifically, a Secretary and Hot Lunch Coordinator.  Please step forward to help us cover these positions, as we want to provide the best environment and opportunities for our children.  You can e-mail with any questions.

For instructions and a link to sign in to Munchalunch go to:  MunchaLunch Instructions

Previous PAC Newsletters:
PAC Blast – October 2021
PAC BLAST – October 2021 Volume 2
PAC Blast – October 2021 Volume 3
PAC Blast – October 2021 Volume 4
PAC Blast – November 2021 Volume 5
PAC Blast – November 2021 Volume 6
PAC Blast – December 2021 Volume 8
PAC Blast – January 2022 Volume 9
PAC Blast – February 2022 – Volume 11
PAC BLAST – March 2022 Volume 12
PAC Blast – March 2022 Volume 13
PAC Blast – March 2022 Volume 14
PAC Blast – May 2022 Volume 15
PAC BLAST – May 2022 Volume 16


Summer session information is available at


Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:

How to Access the Family Portal

Help with Forgotten Passwords


Here are the upcoming calendar events:

June 10 –  Sports Day

June 20 – ‘Strings in Spring’ Violin Concert at LCMS – 1:00pm for students; 6:00pm for students, parents, and guests

June 23 – Grade 5 Leaving Ceremony @ 5:00pm

June 29 – Last Day for Students – Dismissal @ 10:47am
Report Cards Published

For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here:  Community Bulletin Board. 
There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726