March 31, 2021
Welcome back! It was wonderful to see everyone on Monday morning and I hope that you all enjoyed your Spring Break and are looking forward to the upcoming Easter long weekend! (Reminder that school will be closed from Friday, April 2 through Monday, April 5.) We are in the final countdown with only 90 school days remaining before Summer Break! Woo hoo!
Below are the links for two important messages from Superintendent Gord Stewart:
Mask Guidelines Update 2021Mar31
COVID19 Information Bulletin 2021Mar30
With the new Provincial Health Orders, staff, parents, and visitors will all be required to wear masks at all times when indoors as well as all students in Grades 4 through 12 (including Grade 3/4 split classes). Please note that the new Mask Guidelines will be implemented as of tomorrow. Our Blacklock Community has done a fantastic job so far in the fight against COVID. We know this is exhausting, but appreciate your ongoing support to the health and safety of our Blacklock families.
We have extra stock of House Shirts in the Office and are offering them up for sale for the bargain price of $5. If you are interested in purchasing one of these shirts, please contact the Office.
House points are as follows:
Mome Raths – 15,059; White Rabbits – 15,750; Cheshire Cats – 15,572; Deck of Cards – 15,045
Have a wonderful Easter long weekend!
Susanna Eppich, Principal
Here are the Minutes from the latest PAC meeting –> PAC Meeting Minutes – March 11, 2021
Below is a link to a poster about the MyHEARTSMAP team needing your help to measure how much and in what ways the changes in our lives during the pandemic have affected the social and psychological wellness of our children and youth.
MyHEARTSMAP-Pandemic_poster July 28 with QR code
If you would like to register your child to attend school in September, 2021, you will be able to register either online or in person at your catchment school. Proper documentation is required at the time of registration. Your child’s registration will not be processed without the required documentation. Kindergarten aged children must be five years old by December 31, 2021.
Due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, the process for registration and collecting documents may be different than in the past. For information and instructions on how to register, please click here —> Student Registration Letter 2021 and for the Student Registration Form click here —> Student Registration Form_20212022
Although your child’s Care Card is not a required document, it is an important piece of information for the school to have. Please make sure you have indicated any medical concerns or information that the school should be aware of (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc.). If you have copies of any medical documents or diagnostic reports for learning or physical needs, please also have a copy of the original (a copy can be made at the school). Please also have a copy of any Court Orders regarding custody so the school can have a copy on file.
Here is a poster for help with passwords –> FamilyStudent Portal Poster (2020 Tri 1 and 2)
Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:
How to Access the Family Portal
Thank you for continuing to conduct a daily health check with your child. It is an important measure to help keep our school community healthy and safe. To better assist families, the Ministry of Education has developed an online K to 12 Health Check .
COVID19 Health Check 2022Feb24
Please read the Daily Health Check Form (by clicking on the above link) and use it as a reference when completing the daily health check with your child.
A mobile phone app version can also be downloaded, called K to 12 Health Checker.
Print versions are available in multiple languages on our District website here.
The Rainforest Learning Centre has space in our Out of School program for before and after school care. We are open 6am – 6pm and on Professional days, during Christmas and spring breaks, and summer holidays.
For registration enquiries please contact (604)837-0800
Here are the upcoming events:
April 2 – Good Friday – Statutory Holiday
April 5 – Easter Monday – Statutory Holiday
May 10 – Class Photo Day
May 20 – Tentative Kindergarten Early Dismissal @ Noon
– Tentative Welcome to Kindergarten @ 1:30pm
May 21 – Pro-D Day – Students not in Attendance
May 24 – Victoria Day – Statutory Holiday
June 23 – Grade 5 Leaving Celebration @ 6:00pm (Details to follow)
June 29 – Final Report Cards Published & Last Day prior to Summer Break
For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here: Community Bulletin Board. There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.