March 4, 2021
Report Cards will be published tomorrow, March 5. Please take the time to carefully read the content, as our teachers have done an outstanding job in preparing these report cards. By now, you should have received information about the upcoming Parent/Teacher and/or Student-Led Conferences from your child’s teacher. The children are excited to share with you some of the highlights of their work this term.
Student Conferences – Parent-Guardian Guide 2021Mar
Next week Wednesday and Thursday are Early Dismissal days at 1:30pm to allow for the Parent/Teacher Interviews and/or Student-Led Conferences. We ask that you make arrangements to have your child picked up at 1:30pm, as there will be no supervision after that time. Please note that on March 10th, dismissal will be from the large field as we will be ending that day with an evacuation drill.
Tuesday, March 2, was Rare Diseases Day and we are blessed to have a student in our school who happens to have a rare disease. Here is a YouTube link to a video that was recorded to highlight this exceptional child and her beautiful family.
We have extra stock of House Shirts in the Office and are offering them up for sale for the bargain price of $5. If you are interested in purchasing one of these shirts, please contact Mrs. Weber.
Thank you for continuing to conduct a daily health check with your child. Please note that there is a revised version of the COVID19 Health Check 2022Feb24. It is an important measure to help keep our school community healthy and safe. Please see below for more information.
This week the Ministry of Education provided an update on K-12 COVID-19 rapid response teams which are now deployed in each health authority to support students and staff. As the pandemic evolves, these teams will help the province respond quickly and adapt, where necessary, to keep schools safe. To read more about what the teams will be doing in our community, view the news release here.
Your child will be bringing home a flyer about a Purdy’s Easter Fundraiser that the Blacklock PAC have organized to help raise money for our Outdoor Classroom. Here’s a chance to do some of your Easter shopping while supporting our school!
Reminder that if you have a child at home that will be turning 5 this year and you plan to send them to Kindergarten in September, registration is underway. Please see below for more details.
House points are as follows:
Mome Raths – 13,509; White Rabbits – 12,015; Cheshire Cats – 12,777; Deck of Cards – 13,005
Have a good weekend! Six days until Spring Break!
Susanna Eppich, Principal
Kindergarten registration across the Langley School District runs until March 31, 2021. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2021, you will be able to register either online or in person at your catchment school. Proper documentation is required at the time of registration. Your child’s registration will not be processed without the required documentation.
Registration will not be available at the school during Spring Break, from March 13 –28, 2021.
Please check our school website for specific information about how to register.
Due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, the process for registration and collecting documents may be different this time. For information and instructions on how to register, please click here —> Kindergarten Registration 2021 and for the Student Registration Form click here —> Student Registration Form_20212022
Although your child’s Care Card is not a required document, it is an important piece of information for the school to have. Please make sure you have indicated any medical concerns or information that the school should be aware of (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc.). If you have copies of any medical documents or diagnostic reports for learning or physical needs, please also have a copy of the original (a copy can be made at the school). Please also have a copy of any Court Orders regarding custody so the school can have a copy on file.
Here is a poster for help with passwords –> FamilyStudent Portal Poster (2020 Tri 1 and 2)
Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:
How to Access the Family Portal
Thank you for continuing to conduct a daily health check with your child. It is an important measure to help keep our school community healthy and safe. To better assist families, the Ministry of Education has developed an online K to 12 Health Check .
COVID19 Health Check 2022Feb24
Please read the Daily Health Check Form (by clicking on the above link) and use it as a reference when completing the daily health check with your child.
A mobile phone app version can also be downloaded, called K to 12 Health Checker.
Print versions are available in multiple languages on our District website here.
Here are the upcoming events:
March 5 – Term 2 Report Cards Published
March 10 & 11 – One Hour Early Dismissal for Parent/Teacher Interviews
March 12 – Last Day prior to Spring Break
March 29 – School reopens
April 2 – Good Friday – Statutory Holiday
April 5 – Easter Monday – Statutory Holiday
May 21 – Pro-D Day – Students not in Attendance
May 24 – Victoria Day – Statutory Holiday
June 29 – Final Report Cards Published & Last Day prior to Summer Break
For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here: Community Bulletin Board. There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.