May 14, 2021
On Tuesday, at our PAC meeting, I acknowledged the hard work of Jenny Jager, Meredith Dew, and Cheryl Santer, who have served on our PAC as executives over the past number of years. They will be moving on to HD Stafford and will be missed. Thank you for all that you’ve done for our staff and students! We wish you all the best! Please see below for a list of the PAC executive for the 2021/2022 school year, with one vacancy still remaining for the position of Secretary. If you are interested in that position please contact the Office. Congratulations to all the successful candidates and I look forward to working with you next year!
Last week, work began on our Outdoor Classroom and Performance Space. The hope is that it will be completed in the next couple weeks. In the meantime, we are more than halfway through the Purdy’s fundraiser to ‘Raise a Roof’ for this space. Chocolates are available for $2.00 each on Tuesdays and Fridays as well as at the Office before and after school. We thank you for all your support!
Our students are thoroughly enjoying playing in the sand pit. However, the tools they like to play with are limited in number and we would appreciate any donations of child-friendly shovels, rakes, buckets, etc. for their use.
This week, we sent home order forms for Edupac School Supplies Kits for the 2021/2022 year. Please note that these are a convenience service provided to you so that you don’t need to go out and battle the crowds for next year’s school supplies. If you would like to take advantage of this service, orders are due before May 28. Extra order forms are available at the Office. If you’d prefer to buy the supplies directly, please see the list here –> School Supply Lists for Grades 1-5 – 2021-2022
Spare agendas are available at the Office for the discounted price of $3.00 each.
We still have some extra stock of Mome Rath and White Rabbits House Shirts in the Office and are offering them up for sale for the bargain price of $5. If you are interested in purchasing one of these shirts, please contact the Office.
House points are as follows:
Mome Raths – 18,394; White Rabbits – 17,465; Cheshire Cats – 17,662; Deck of Cards – 16,590
Reminder that next Friday, May 21, is Professional Development Day and Monday, May 24, is the Victoria Day holiday and students will not be in attendance.
Have a good weekend!
Susanna Eppich, Principal
Here is a list of the PAC Executives for the 2021/22 school year.
President: Erin Colivas
Vice President: Cindy Haley
Treasurer: Cindy Chung
Secretary: vacant
Events Coordinator: Michelle Young
Fundraising Coordinator: Lindsey Bain
Health & Safety: Mireille Melen
DPAC rep: Chelsea Crich
Hot Lunch Coordinator: Carla Ferrari
Members at large: Lisa Tatarniuk, Rebecca Milne, Tara Houston
If you would like to register your child to attend school in September, 2021, you will be able to register either online or in person at your catchment school. Proper documentation is required at the time of registration. Your child’s registration will not be processed without the required documentation. Kindergarten aged children must be five years old by December 31, 2021.
Due to COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, the process for registration and collecting documents may be different than in the past. For information and instructions on how to register, please click here —> Student Registration Letter 2021 and for the Student Registration Form click here —> Student Registration Form_20212022
Although your child’s Care Card is not a required document, it is an important piece of information for the school to have. Please make sure you have indicated any medical concerns or information that the school should be aware of (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc.). If you have copies of any medical documents or diagnostic reports for learning or physical needs, please also have a copy of the original (a copy can be made at the school). Please also have a copy of any Court Orders regarding custody so the school can have a copy on file.
Here is a poster for help with passwords –> FamilyStudent Portal Poster (2020 Tri 1 and 2)
Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:
How to Access the Family Portal
Thank you for continuing to conduct a daily health check with your child. It is an important measure to help keep our school community healthy and safe. To better assist families, the Ministry of Education has developed an online K to 12 Health Check .
COVID19 Health Check 2022Feb24
Please read the Daily Health Check Form (by clicking on the above link) and use it as a reference when completing the daily health check with your child.
A mobile phone app version can also be downloaded, called K to 12 Health Checker.
Print versions are available in multiple languages on our District website here.
The Langley Local Immigration Partnership and the Langley Human Dignity Coalition are partnering to deliver an Intergenerational Art Project with funding from Resilience BC. Are you a Langley resident between the ages of 10 to 100? Tell your story, explore differences and similarities and create art on May 27th – 6pm to 7:30pm and May 29th – 11am to 12:30pm! Please see the Flyer for more information –> LangleyStorytellingProject_InvitetoParticipate
Here are the upcoming events:
May 20 – Tentative Kindergarten Early Dismissal @ 1:00pm
– Tentative Welcome to Kindergarten @ 1:30pm
May 21 – Pro-D Day – Students not in Attendance
May 24 – Victoria Day – Statutory Holiday
June 23 – Grade 5 Leaving Celebration (Details to follow)
June 29 – Final Report Cards Published & Last Day prior to Summer Break
– Dismissal at 10:45am
For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here: Community Bulletin Board. There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.