Blacklock Blast – November 3, 2023

November 3, 2023

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Trunk and Treat last Friday evening and a big thank you to the PAC for organizing it.  It was a huge success and a fun evening for everyone.  This excitement continued into Blacklock’s Halloween parade and dance on Tuesday.

The upcoming Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held on November 8th at 1:30pm in our Gym. Please prepare all black clothing for this day.  It is important that the clothing does not have any visible logos, stripes, tags, or words on them.  If you have any questions, concerns, or difficulty providing this clothing, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  All students will be receiving a poppy and we would request that you send a Loonie on the day of the ceremony as a donation to help support the local legion.  Parents are welcome to attend.  Please note that the doors will open at 1:00pm.

A reminder that Friday, November 10, is Design & Assessment and Report Card Prep Day and Monday, November 13, is the Statutory Holiday for Remembrance Day and students will have both days off.

As the weather continues to cool down and the rainy season is upon us, please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor play.

If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please remember to let us know either by phone 604-530-3188 or by e-mail at

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Susanna Eppich, Principal

House Points are as follows:
Hammerhead Sharks – 2,786; Jellyfish – 2,701 Kraken – 2,517; Orca Whales – 3,149


Here’s the latest PAC Newsletter:  PAC Blast – October 2023

To contact the PAC team, please e-mail:
For Hot Lunch questions –
For Volunteer questions –
For Fundraising questions –
For General questions –


The Ministry of Education has made changes to the process through which we communicate student learning (report cards).  Because the Langley School District is complying with the new Ministry of Education Reporting Order, reporting will look different than what you’re used to.  This year, there will be five opportunities to receive information about your child’s learning.  These will include both informal and formal written reports and student inclusive conferences.  As always, staff are available for you to ask any questions as we work together to ensure that every child moves forward in their learning.  Because of this transition, the school calendars that were posted to both the School District and Blacklock websites were unclear.  Therefore, here are the dates with respect to communicating student learning that you need to be aware of:

  • December 4 – Report Card published in MyED BC – Grades K-5
  • March 6 – 2 Hour Early Dismissal to allow for Student Inclusive Conferences – Grades K-5
  • March 7 – No Students In Attendance to allow for Student Inclusive Conferences – Grade K-5
  • May 6 – Informal Learning Update e-mailed home – Grades K-5
  • June 27 – Final Formal Report Card published online in MyED BC

We are excited to let you know that this year our traditional Christmas and Winter Solstice Sing-A-Long will be held at HD Stafford Middle School on Thursday, December 14, to allow room for all our families to attend!  Students will need to arrive at HD Stafford at 5:30pm and the official start time will be at 6:00pm with more details to come.


Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:

How to Access the Family Portal

Help with Forgotten Passwords


Here are the upcoming calendar events:

November 10 – Report Card Prep and Design & Assessment Day – No Students in Attendance

November 13 – School closed for Remembrance Day

November 17 – White Spot Hot Lunch Day

November 24 & 25 – Blacklock Fine Arts School Craft Fair – Friday 4:00pm-8:00pm and
Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm – in the Gym

December 4 – Report Cards Published in MyED BC

December 14 – Christmas and Winter Solstice Sing-A-Long at HD Stafford @ 6:00pm

December 15 – Red Robin Hot Lunch Day

December 21 – Last Day of School before Winter Break; Pancake Breakfast with Santa

For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here:  Community Bulletin Board. 
There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726