Blacklock Blast – October 1

October 1, 2020

This week we launched our Meet The Teacher videos.  I hope that you’ve taken some time to watch what your classroom teacher has prepared in lieu of our traditional Meet The Teacher event.  Photo Day went off without a hitch and we were happy to welcome some of our Transition Support Model students as they arrived to have their picture taken.  The photographer was impressed with the beautiful manners that our children demonstrated and he asked me to pass on his compliments to you. Well done Blacklock!

On Wednesday, September 30, we wore orange shirts as part of Orange Shirt Day, to recognize survivors of Residential Schools and those we have lost. It was also a day to acknowledge that “Every Child Matters”.


In the event that you missed Picture Day, the retake day has been scheduled for October 20.  Once you receive your child’s proofs, you can order pictures on using your Portrait ID and Access Code.  Parents can find detailed information on the proof packages, which will be sent home with your child sometime in the next month. (This online system is very user friendly and links your orders to the “MyLifetouch” reward program, which helps you save money on future orders.)


Our “Meet The Teacher” videos are available for viewing on our YouTube Channel.  Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher via e-mail with any questions or concerns you may have.


Health and Safety continues to be our top priority. Thank you for completing daily health checks with your child and doing your part to ensure our school community is healthy and safe.

Health Check Form – Revised 2020Sep

Please read the Daily Health Check Form (by clicking on the above link) and use it as a reference when completing the daily health check with your child.


Agendas are provided to you at a reduced cost of $5.00 and we ask that you submit payment through School Cash Online by October 31.  Please note that to register for the first time, you will need your child’s legal name, Student ID#, and date of birth.  If you need help with signing up/logging into School Cash Online, please contact the Office.


Here’s a message from Kat Goheen, the organizer of our Christmas Store:

The Christmas Store has two main goals: to help our children enjoy being generous by buying their own gifts for family members, and to raise money for our Blacklock families in need during the holidays. Although we can’t hold the Christmas Store this year, we can raise money for our families, and keep that part of the tradition strong. Since we can’t accept any used items this year, perhaps if you have your own business, you can put out a donation jar. If, like me, you have a bunch of donations for the Store sitting in your storage, you could hold a garage sale with it and donate the proceeds. I recommend not pricing items and selling by donation, to keep you safe and more distant from shoppers (please also set boundaries about how many people can look at a time!). Here is a Holiday Christmas Poster that you can print off and add your information to, so people know what’s going on. Any money you collect can go to Mrs. Weber in the office (please email her first to make a time to drop it off). Thanks for keeping our spirit of generosity alive!


A Mobile Food Bank will run every Friday at Douglas Park Recreation Centre @ 20550 Douglas Crescent between 12:00pm and 2:00pm.  You need to pre-register and select a time slot on the survey below, (either 12:00-1:00pm or 1:00-2:00pm).  You only need to register once.

Register at

  • Only one person per family is allowed to shop, please leave younger children at home if possible
  • You must enter and exit only through designated doors (one door for entry, one for exit)
  • The health check will be posted at the entrance door, if you are experiencing symptoms or have travelled outside of Canada you will not be allowed in
  • You will be required to use hand sanitizer provided at the entrance and when you leave
  • You must be on the registration list in order to shop
  • You must stay 2 metres apart from staff and others
  • Please bring your own shopping bags/boxes

If you have any questions, contact:  Brad Hendy at or Kim Langford at

Have a great weekend!

Susanna Eppich, Principal


Here are the upcoming calendar updates:

October 12 – Thanksgiving Day – School is Closed

October 20 – Retake Photo Day

October 23 – Professional Development Day – No School for Students

For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here:  Community Bulletin Board.      There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.

Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726