Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025 School Year Opens January 15, 2024 and closes on March 1st, 2024
All children who will be five years old by December 31, 2024 (children born in 2019) are eligible for the Kindergarten program beginning September 2024.
- Registration is open from Jan 15-Mar 1, 2024.
- All registrations will be done online using MyEd BC and not in person.
- To find your child’s catchment school, use our school locator tool.
- Applications will be approved after the registration period has closed on March 1, 2024. Families can expect notification regarding their child’s application status beginning the week of March 4, 2024, and before the end of April 2024.
- Please note, schools with high enrolment may take longer than expected to accept applications due to volume of applicants and to ensure accuracy and equity in the process.
Step 1: Determine how to register your child
Step 2: Determine your child’s catchment school.
To find your catchment school, use the District’s school locator tool. Please note, addresses in the school locator tool will be updated in January 2024.
Step 3: Gather documents required for your child’s registration.
- If you are missing any of the required documents, your registration will not be processed until all documents have been submitted.
- You will need to produce the following documents:
Student Proof of Age
- Birth certificate
- Certificate of citizenship (both sides)
- Court Order
- Driver’s License
- Immigration Canada documents
- Passport
- Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS), also known as Status Card.
Parent/Guardian proof of Canadian Citizenship
Guardians must provide proof of their citizenship status by producing one of the following documents:
- Canadian birth certificate
- Canadian passport
- Canadian citizenship card (both sides)
- Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS), also known as Status Card.
- Landed permanent residents’ card
- Refugee documents from Immigration Canada (with a copy of the Student’s documents, see above)
Proof of residency
At the time of registration, guardians must provide proof of residency by providing documents clearly showing the same parent names and residence address as on the registration form;
TWO documents are required:
One of:
- Subject-Free Home Purchase Contract
- Mortgage Statement
- Municipal Tax Bill
- Rental Agreement or Letter from Landlord
- Can redact (black out) account # and amounts
AND One of:
- British Columbia Driver’s License
- British Columbia Services Card
- British Columbia Vehicle Registration
- Canadian Bank Account or Credit Card Statement
- Insurance Statements or Policies
- Income Tax Statement
- Utility Bill
- Employment Pay Slip
- Other legal or government-issued documents indicating BC residence
- Can redact (black out) account # and amounts
Evidence of Guardianship
At the time of registration, evidence of guardianship must be shown by producing photo ID and legal documentation of guardianship such as, but not limited to:
- Birth Certificate with Parent Name.
- Income Tax Statement – children are declared.
- Immigration Documents
- Court Order
- Child in Care documentation
- Can redact (black out) account # and amounts
Step 4: Register your child online via MyEDBC
- My Education BC webpage:
- If you are registering for the current school year, 2023-2024, please email or
- A desktop or laptop device is strongly recommended to complete online applications. The use of a tablet or mobile phone will be challenging.
- If this is your first time registering a child and you have no other children currently attending school in BC, then you will need to start a new MyEDBC account by following these directions in this video here
- If you already have a child attending a school in BC, then you do not need to start a new MyEDBC account. You will need to log in to your existing account and initiate a new application for your child by following these directions in this video here
- If you have a MyEDBC account and you are having trouble logging in, please visit the District’s MyEDBC help webpage here.
Other Documents
Aboriginal Ancestry (if applicable)
- Please fill out only if student has Aboriginal ancestry – one form per child**
- Aboriginal Ancestry is determined on a voluntary basis through self-identification. This includes First Nations (Status or Non-Status), Metis or Inuit Ancestry. No documentation other than this self-identification is required and the ancestry can go back several generations.
Medical Concerns
- Please make sure that you have indicated any medical concerns or information that the school should be aware of (diabetes, asthma, allergies, etc.)
- If you have copies of any medical documents or diagnostic reports for learning or physical needs, please submit a copy for the school.
- Proof of your child’s immunization record (if available – school does not retain a copy)
***If you indicated Life threatening or Challenging medical condition***
Learning Needs
- Please make sure that you have included any information that the school should be aware of regarding any learning needs that your child(ren) might have (Autism, Learning Disabilities, Down’s Syndrome etc).
Confirmation of Registration
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Lima or Mrs. Webber
After your child’s information has been received and reviewed, you will receive confirmation email from the school informing you it has been received, along with other information, and further instructions (if necessary)
- If you are missing any of the required documents, your registration will be denied, causing your registration to be delayed.