April 19, 2024
Good afternoon Blacklock families!
Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful sunshine. Just a reminder from staff that all toys should be kept at home. If your child’s class is having a special event that requires them to bring these items to class, the teacher will communicate this to you. The PAC would like to remind everyone about the Pub Night being held on April 28th. $25.00 for a burger and a beverage, tickets available at the office.
If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please remember to let us know either by phone 604-530-3188 or by e-mail at BFAAttendanceVoicemail@sd35.bc.ca
Susanna Eppich, Principal
House Points are as follows:
Hammerhead Sharks – 11,100; Jellyfish – 11,543; Kraken – 10, 514; Orca Whales – 11,385
Kindergartens have been busy planting and growing flowers and potatoes. They have also along with our Grade 1’s decorated our halls with some beautiful Spring art.

We are excited to be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair next week. The book fair will be open from 2 – 4 pm in the gym on Tuesday April 23, Wednesday April 24, and Thursday April 25. Students will be checking out the book fair with their classes during the day on Tuesday. This worthwhile fundraiser helps keep our library stocked with books and promotes a love of reading in our community.
Do you have any ideas about how to improve Langley’s Playspaces? Please complete the survey by using the QR code below or the following link.

Lower the Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society will be hosting a Spring Market on April 25th from 10am-3pm.

Please join us on April 28th at our Blacklock Pub night. Proceeds will go towards our grade 4/5 Grouse Mountain Field Trip. Tickets available at the office.

To contact the PAC team, please e-mail:
For Hot Lunch questions – hotlunch.blacklock@gmail.com
For Volunteer questions – blacklockvolunteers@gmail.com
For Fundraising questions – blacklock.fundraising@gmail.com
For General questions – blacklockpac@gmail.com
Student Inclusive Conference anchor documents have now been uploaded to MyEdBC. Please see below attachment on how to access these files.
Student Inclusive Conference Anchor Document (1)
If you do not have an account, or are having trouble accessing your account, please use the link below for assistance:
Below are links to two videos that offer some help in accessing the Family Portal in MyED BC:
How to Access the Family Portal
April 23-25- Scholastic Book Fair
April 28- Pub Night
May 9- Class Photos
May 16- Hot Lunch (Subway)
May 17- Pro-D – Students not in session
May 20- Victoria Day- No School
May 30- Grade 4/5 Pod Show
May 31- Welcome to Kindergarten/Current Kindergarten Students dismissed at 12:30pm.
June 5- Grade 4/5 Fieldtrip to Grouse Mountain
June 7- Grade 2/3 Pod Experience
June 13- LCMS Strings in Spring Concert 6pm.
June 14– TCBY Frozen Treat Day/Sports Day
June 17-21 Grade 5 Operation Waterproof
June 21– Funfair
June 27- Final Report Card/Last Day of for Students 10:45am Dismissal
June 28- Administrative Day- No Students
For access to our District Community Bulletin Board, please click here: Community Bulletin Board.
There are always new flyers that may be of interest to you.