About Us / School Life

children2Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

Academic Excellence through Artistic Experience

To create a peaceful and compassionate learning community where students and staff feel safe, know they belong and have all the supports required to meet their full potential.

Together, we enable students to become self-sufficient, contributing community members.

At Blacklock, we believe that integrating dance, drama, music and visual art into the lives of students will enhance the learning of core subjects. We believe that kids come first.

Statement of Purpose:

Our school is a place that promotes respect, responsibility, good citizenship, artistic and academic excellence in a safe, caring learning and teaching environment. Mistakes are learning opportunities through which a child can become more self-assured and confident. We believe in the benefits of teaching proper behavior when a mistake occurs, thereby turning a negative situation into a positive learning opportunity. The children will experience success through social development as well as in academics and arts.

Conduct Expectations:

All students, teachers, staff, parents, guardians and visitors have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility to be law-abiding citizens and to be accountable for their personal actions. All students have a right to learn in an environment that is positive and safe. Behavior that infringes on the rights and well-being of others is unacceptable and not tolerated.

At Blacklock it is unacceptable to:

  • Bully, intimidate or threaten others
  • Be physically aggressive
  • Insult or disrespect others
  • Endanger the safety of others
  • Disrupt the learning environment
  • Use or be in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs

As a Blacklock Citizen:

  • I will strive for excellence in arts and academics, always having a positive attitude.
  • I have the right to feel safe.
  • I can be counted on to make good choices.
  • I will treat others the way I would like to be treated.
  • I will use everything I learn to make this world a better place.



Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary

5100 - 206 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 2E5
Phone: 604-530-3188
Fax: 604-530-9726