Please call the school 604-530-3188 before 9:00 am if your child will be absent or late.
If your child is late arriving, please have them report to the office.
Health and Safety
We are a Peanut Aware school. If your child had a specific medical condition, parents are asked to complete a form and to submit a picture of their child to the office. It is critical that all staff is made aware and informed of the most appropriate responses to any medical concerns.
Please keep your child home if they are suffering from a serious cold or flu, especially if they have a fever.
We will have Fire Drills, Earthquake Drills and Lockdown Drills to help prepare our students for any unforeseen emergencies that may occur.
Communication between home and school is a very important aspect of your child’s education. Do not hesitate to call if you have a concern or wish to arrange for an interview. This agenda book / daily planner is an excellent tool to keep in touch with your child’s teacher. There are three formal report cards throughout the year, but ongoing communication is valued and encouraged. Please check the agenda for messages, homework, due dates etc.
Parents’ Advisory Council ~ PAC
All parents and guardians are welcome to participate on the PAC. We have an executive that organizes many events and holds regular meetings to conduct business, discuss issues and plan events for the school. The PAC sends out a regular newsletter and important information is frequently included in the school newsletter as well. Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in the variety of opportunities that are available at our school. Parents and staff working together make school a great place for our children!